Before Narrative...
‘The artist is not the one who possesses a potential to create that, at a certain point,he decides, who knows how and why, to realize and put into action.’
-- Agamben
I prefer to be a narrator then an architect, using architecture and space to tell the story, so as to make people realize certain consciousness. Each of my architectural narrative is telling or metaphorically telling a story. In addition, for me, the creation of artists and architects is a poetic action, to do but to resist not to do, to hand, to keep the potential, to tell a story, not to express, but to let the language be presented. I hope that the audience can still feel the three-dimensional spaces of the whole story through reading the drawings.
- Spatialization of Chronopolitics
Under the trend of gradual decentralization of the Internet, bitcoin came into being.The bitcoin system uses blockchain technology, which is different from traditional currencies, to ensure the fairness and transparency of the time ledger. Because of such characteristics, bitcoin mining and trading has become a new "gold rush" in recent years. However, looking at the issue more deeply, most of the bitcoin are still in the hands of a few people who, through the hype of bitcoin, promote the speculationism and the hegemony of huge computing power, so that the miners and buyers without the original accumulation can join in and harvest their wealth and computing power to accumulate more resources.Such a phenomenon is very common in human society -- both in the bitcoin market and other social levels.So in this project we tried to create a space system model to reflect this phenomenon.
Group members: Changqing Ye, Yuwei Wang
Feminism Museum for Neg Entropy
- Spatialization of Semiotic Protest
Gender is a concept that has been shaped to compete for the natural leadership of sexual differences in a multiplicity of arenas. Over the past century, patriarchy has been reinforced and regulated through the development of capitalism, and has oppressed female in terms of basic power and physical strength. In the new consumer society, patriarchy is endowed with a new context, female portarits are gradually symbolized, patriarchal ideology is naturalized in this process, and finally becomes a myth.
We use the concepts of signifier and signified in semiotics, and use square and circular elements that are the most swear words to be signifiers. The two elements are superimposed and combined. In the context of architecture, the signification includes spatial action, and the meaning of resistance to patriarchy. This combined sequence of geometric symbols in planes and spaces ultimately leads to a series of metaphorical and narrative scenes in their mind.
Group members: Yuyan Huang, Bowen Yuan
Life after Life
- For the Space of Immortality
In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody coined the term Near-Death Experience in his latest book Life after Life. Dr. Moody recorded and compared the experiences of 150 persons who died, or almost with death or impending death. When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. The museum we designed takes the consciousness and emotions conveyed by this book as the atmosphere of the building, the abstract perception is projected and concreted into the real spaces.
Group member: Xiaomeng Zhang
Art Nouveau Skyscraper
Art Nouveau was a reaction against the academic art, eclecticism and historicism of 19th century Architecture and decoration. It was often inspired by natural forms such as the sinuous curves of plants and flowers. We extracted three main elements from this classical architectural genre and translated them into futuristic architectural shapes.
Group member: Tiange Wu
Reticulation of Informality
- Community Reconstruction of Ancient Town
Description: Waiting for the author to compile......
Personal Work